Thinking of starting a new business

new_shootsWelcome to our monthly Business clinic where we will endeavour to give advice and practical information on running your business or if you are even thinking of starting one.

Our monthly column will be written by Peter our chairman. Peter has a wealth of information gained over many years in various business around the world. Below is a brief biography of Peter.

This first post is introducing myself, my business experience comes from many years in various businesses both in the UK and also around the world,and becoming involved in the scientific, industrial and at times academic action and at various levels of management. Both at corporate level,intermediate management level and in forming my own very small companies.

My responsibilities also included being involved in the  merging and acquisition of various different companies.Expansion and sale of companies This has enabled me to gain many  aspects of understanding how companies are run, business expansion and how to manage change.

In the next post we will start to touch some basic but key topics that affect company success in both start up and ongoing company development and risk areas. Topics that are key in this very tight economic climate for business.

Feel free to leave any comments below.


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