Google Universal Analytics

Google Universal analytics has just been announced. This is an upgrade to the classic Google analytics that has been around for a good few years. It is a “technological innovation” that enhances the way data is collected and processed through the Google Analytics.

If you haven’t used Google analytics before on your website then you should be doing so. It is a free tool to find how people are getting to your website and what they are doing while they are there. Real time information and historical data are displayed in easily read reports. But there is a lot more to it, contact us for details.

The upgrade will change your Google analytic account into the new one but most importantly keeping all historical data and login details. All account will be upgraded eventually but you can manually upgrade your account as soon as you see the button when you login.

The benefits are…

  1. Improved data processing
  2. new collection methods
  3. More analysis
  4. Track users across devices
  5. Improved customisation of the tracking codes

Let us know if you want to be upgraded to the new features especially the tracking codes for analysing how effective your marketing is.

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