Merry Christmas & Happy New year

Merry Christmas & Happy New year

Merry Christmas & Happy New year from Chaplin Multimedia

Merry Christmas & Happy New year
Best wishes and a Merry Christmas from everyone at Chaplin Multimedia Ltd.

Hope you all have a relaxing holiday and come back all refreshed for 2018. Look out for our new website in January and a new admin system in early 2018.

We will also be publishing a monthly newsletter starting in January together with a new YouTube channel which will have lots of tips on keeping your website fresh and utilising social media to get more sales.

We will be closing the office at 1pm on the 20th December until 10am on Tuesday 2nd January 2018.

Any emergency problems can be emailed to during the holidays.

Thank you once again for your support over the past year and I wish you all the best for 2018!

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Web design in Watford

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Progressive web apps – The Future of the Web


In London a few weeks ago Google invited a group of developers to a seminar on the Progressive We Apps. The term progressive web apps is used to describe a website which gives an experience to the user as if it was an app on a phone.

Various speakers from Google show cased the latest developments in the web industry on the various techniques that could be used to give the user a better experience. There are alot of changes happening in web browsers at the moment and the pace of change this year is going to be happening at a much faster rate.

Below I have given a run down some of the changes I think will affect developers that were highlighted by Google. Most of the changes affect all browsers and are part of the W3C ratification of the various standards.

2016-03-17 19.17.50

Security (SSL)
This is a very important topic and was at the start of the seminar, this protects user data and the website owners. Using SSL (https) for everything encrypts the data between the user and the website to prevent snooping and data getting manipulated.

It should work on any browser that the user chooses to use. Use web.p for image compression and only download what the user initially needs. One way is to split up the CSS into the most important elements so that this can be cached. This is could be the layout before the fold so that the user can see something when it is trying to connect or has a flaky connection. Also you could create a regioning style sheet.

Offline loading
When the user has a poor signal the website should at least show something to the user. Either by showing cached pages or a message. These things can be implemented in the latest browsers by some new meta data. This gives the user a better experience like they have when using an app.

Jake Archibald gave a demonstration of the ways on which developers could use the techniques. It certainly was a lively demo. He had created a web app where you can only talk with emoticons. it streamed the data from a cached data when it was last loaded.

This is another big development where data streams are greatly increased using the new standard. It saves time splitting headers and data.

Service Workers
This is the part where the user experience would be greatly enhanced as mentioned above. Service workers sits between the users browser and the ISP servers. Find out more on the link below.

Other development to look forward to in the next year or so…

  • Streaming
  • Background synch
  • Progressive css
  • Bluetooth
  • Css gridlayout
  • Geofencing
  • Css box alignment (big)
  • Javascript modules
  • Offscreen canvas
  • Payment push
  • Presentation api
  • Web animations

Its all looking good for the development of the web especially for developers, making life easier to develop for the so many devices that are around at the moment. And there will be even more in the future. If you want any of these implemented on your website use the contact us form on our website.


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Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year from Chaplin Multimedia

Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year from Chaplin Multimedia.

Seasons greetings

Another year has flown by and the web has marched on to be one of the most successful marketing platforms in history. 2016 I think is going to be even bigger for social media and getting your message across to the right people.

There have been big steps in the way you can target your advertising to certain categories of people who are potentially your customers. Using analytics and getting ahead of your competitors will be very important in 2016.

Once again best wishes and many successes for 2016.

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Another milestone 19 years and counting….

Chaplin Multimedia This week Chaplin Multimedia starts its 19th year. It seems a life time ago since we started when you had to explain the web to potential clients. Now everyone knows what the internet is. Over that time we have had over 200 clients with the services provided to them ranging from hosting to photography.

Looking towards the next 12 months, we will be utilising our Google Partner status giving more help to our clients on getting more out of the Google advertising platform. In November we will be spending 2 days at Google UK getting the latest updates.

Social Media Advertising
Getting a return on investment is important for all our clients and one way of doing this is using the various social media platforms more effectively. Most of them now have an advertising option we have been trialling these out to see which one has the biggest benefit. Though it is not for every company it depends on the sector you are in.

As the saying goes “a photograph is like a 1000 words” we can help you get your products / message across using photographs.

Contact us if you want know more and would like us to help you gain business online by filling in our contact form.

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Seasons Greetings & 18th year of Chaplin Multimedia

ecard_christmas.fwLast month was the start of the 18th year of Chaplin multimedia. Over those 18 years there has been lots of change in the web industry. From the start it was beginning of the web where it was difficult to sell the concept to potential clients. Now everyone knows what the web is but now clients want to know how to get customers cosy effectively.
There have been lots of changes over the 18 years on the technical aspects of the web. Going from a few web browsers to lots and then back to a few. At the beginning the king of the browser  was Netscape, after a few years it became Internet Explorer then Firefox and now Chrome. All these browsers been implementing the HTML code differently which has been a nightmare for developers.These days the challenges are mainly down to screen size and touch screens. Plus how to give a good experience on all devices for your website.
Who would have thought that tablets would have taken off just over 3 years ago. Now it is important to have a responsive website where you don’t have to pinch and zoom.The future is looking great when it comes to web technologies. The ever changing industry keeps you on your toes and makes it more interesting to learn new techniques for clients. Look out for our new website early in the new year.

Look out for more articles during the coming year and how you can take advantage of the new tools that you can use to keep you ahead of the game. Making you more efficient and giving you a better return on investment.

Hope you all have a great Christmas and a successful new year and thank you for your business during the last 18 years.

Google Universal Analytics

Google Universal analytics has just been announced. This is an upgrade to the classic Google analytics that has been around for a good few years. It is a “technological innovation” that enhances the way data is collected and processed through the Google Analytics.

If you haven’t used Google analytics before on your website then you should be doing so. It is a free tool to find how people are getting to your website and what they are doing while they are there. Real time information and historical data are displayed in easily read reports. But there is a lot more to it, contact us for details.

The upgrade will change your Google analytic account into the new one but most importantly keeping all historical data and login details. All account will be upgraded eventually but you can manually upgrade your account as soon as you see the button when you login.

The benefits are…

  1. Improved data processing
  2. new collection methods
  3. More analysis
  4. Track users across devices
  5. Improved customisation of the tracking codes

Let us know if you want to be upgraded to the new features especially the tracking codes for analysing how effective your marketing is.

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Welcome to Chaplin Multimedia new website

Welcome to our new website, my name is Andrew and I run Chaplin Multimedia. Its been a while since we have updated our website so take a look around.

We are a web design agency based in Watford with clients all around the world.

The internet is changing fast and becoming more social. With the rise of Facebook & Twitter it has never been easier / cheaper to get your message across to a wider audience.

But this is not as easy as first sounds you will need to build your audience and this takes time and skill.

Contact us to find out how your business can benefit from social media.